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Mural " Memory of The Land"
Created in Western Australia, Perth city. By this work I showed contrast between past and modern,
between precolonial and colonial part of australian history.On the central, highest part I create image of Banksia flower - human, that symbolize native aboriginal man, because Banksia plant has came from the earth of western Australia and continue to exist in harmony with nature. In the center of the human body there is turning wheel and running red man in it, that is symbolize non stopping heart. Heart - man has the key to the eyes of the rock - head, that Banksia - man keeps above, in his left hand.
Rock - head and other stones in the mural are symbolize eternity, memory and highest spiritual mind
Lower part of the mural is symbolize modern time since colonial history began
Kangaroo - humans are symbolize modern inhabitants – new aborigines of Australia ,main interests of them are business, fashion, consuming and use of the natural environment, like all other representatives of modern consuming civilization on The Earth
In another hand Banksia man keeps flowers – skulls, that is native aboriginals souls - colonization victim..
"Memory of The Land" by Aec
Perth. Western Australia.
Rocks know everything
Banksia flower - human
Heart - man, who has the key to the eyes
Native aboriginals souls - colonization victim..
Modern australian aborigines
Rocks remember everything
Rocks hear and see everything
In progress:
With my best assistant Keith Kendall
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